Temperatures dropping and days shortening means bass shift into fall feeding patterns, and angler Jim Dill is on the water every week, tracking what those patterns look like with the current conditions.
Dill says bass moving into their fall patterns will head into shallower waters in their search for shad. Fish in creeks will move toward the back of the creek, and main lake bass will head to banks and points—all following shad, which head to the shallow waters to feed on moss growing on large rocks and boat lifts.
Dill recommends anglers alternate from main lake flats and points to the backs of creeks and coves until they find feeding fish. Large, isolated docks are also a good place to cast around, as bass tend to hold at them while waiting for shad.
At those docks, white jigs worked around the dock corners are good lures to try. On main lake flats and in the backs of creeks, anglers should work a 1/2-inch jig; working those underneath shallow docks can be effective, too, in eight feet of water or less.
And for windy days, spinnerbaits work well on lake points.